วันพุธที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Do you know of any airline in which female flight attendants wear pantsuits?

Have you seen stewardesses wearing pantsuits on any airline? More often, they wear skirts or dresses with pantyhose or stockings & high heel pumps. Does wearing light colored or dark colored hose look better?

Yes- all the major US Airlines have multiple uniforms where an flight attendant can choose from a bunch of choices. Pantsuits, dresssuits, coatdresses. I work as a flight attendant with a major carrier and I opt to spend my uniform allowance on nothing but coastdresses, as they are the most comfortable to me, where some of my co-workers choose nothing but the pantsuits. Then you get all kinds of scarves and sweaters to mix and match. At my airline we are only allowed to wear nude colored hosiery and you have to wear them. No bare legs. But lots of smelly feet! LOL

Delta Airlines wears Pant suits with Scarfs. Also it is Dark Blue and Red. I think the High Heels are better.

I think with blue uniforms, sheer navy stockings look best. With lighter uniforms, suntan is very nice. I think pants should be left to the stewards, not the stewardesses. Off vlack is always attractive if they are very sheer. Heavy stockings are too casual for airlines.

Yes... all of the domestic carriers: United, American, US Airways, Delta. As far as the heels those gals are usually working the first class cabin on a trans-continental flight and they come off shortly after wheels up. In my opinion the mode of dress doesn't matter as long as the person looks pressed and groomed. The service during the flight is more important to me.

All. Airlines have 2 sets of uniforms for women. One with a skirt and one with pantsuits. I have seen many stewardesses with pantsuits, as u call them.

I think, coming from a guy, light colored pantyhoses look better.

not that i know of?

i don't know any particular

- but i think all female flight attendants should wear pantyhose!

Iran air and all the other airlines in Iran

