วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How can I obtain an airline ticket receipt without losing money or flying?

My contract stipulates that I can obtain a refund for a return ticket from where I am working to my country of origin. All I need is the airline ticket receipt (last page of the airline ticket). The date can be in the future or past, it doesn't matter. However, it must have my name on it. I don't want to fly to my country of origin right now but I want to take advantage of the refund. The place I work for insists on an airline ticket receipt. Is there any way to obtain it without flying or losing money? If I buy a ticket and refund it later I think I will lose money through some kind of cancellation charge.

Will an airline office or ticket agents supply me with one? The last page is void and no good for flying but I think the ticket must be issued to obtain it. To get a refund again, will I need it?

Has anyone got any suggestions on how to obtain one?

Ah.. The budding criminal mind..Sorry to say that ripping off your workplace is still stealing(I know they probably deserve it those bast@#$s).So... because of that you won't be able to get an airline to be an accomplice.

So the answer is Unfortunately..... YOU CAN'T

It wont work. All airlines have confirmation numbers and non refundable tickets. Forget about scamming and get on with your life.

Yeah, you need to buy a ticket to get a receipt. It souds like you are not 'taking advantage of the refund' but trying to scam the company (not necessarily intentionally). If you are not paying for a flight, why should you get refunded for it? If there is some other circumstance then maybe you can talk to the company about your specific situation.

Thief!! You are attempting to steal from your employer. Who would want to employ someone like that.

What if you were the boss?? Would you like it? I doubt it.

Why don't you just go and mug some old lady and steal her purse!!!

Here's another example of people trying to beat the system. Stop trying to figure out ways to take advantage of something to make some money.......

find someone who flew who has your name. ha.

