Thanks in advance
Its defiatly possible, but you need a 4-year degree to even get an interview with all the major airlines...if you have that, then get the hours and medical exams and your on your way...
Sure, There are fast track schools. Just check Private Pilot, or Flying, find mags. I got my ticket back in '66...and was in the Air Force. Surprise, The FAA is the one that checks ur ride not another Airman.
Got Bucks? The path is after u get that commercial and ATP, etc. U become an instructor. That I understand is the equiv. of working the tables to get into the movies
It is impossible.
Human pilots are to vulnerable to age and health defects. Robot controlled IFR and AP units will pilot future airliners; from Ground to Sky to Ground. No yearly wages, no strikes, no health insurance, and perfect reactions.
I am kidding.
At 23 you have all the time in the world. Don't look back and say I should have. Just do it, now! We haven't had a good pilot producing war in years. Most pilots today are coming from the private sector.
not very easy to become 1. dont be stupid in interwievs, you must be open minded