Don't just copy and paste things from wikipedia.
Airports are designated areas on the ground to handle departure and arrivals of flights, maintaining and storing aircraft, things like this. They are usually owned by a city/municipality/county etc and can draw on public funds. In other words, they provide facilities for the airliners to be able to land and take off to/from a destination.
Airlines, on the other hand, are corporations which are mostly in the hands of private stockholders (there are exceptions to this in airlines of various countries, whose governments hold a certain stake in them). Airlines use the airports to conduct their business (i.e., transporting passengers and cargo), and generally have to pay landing fees and rent gates. They either lease or own their own aircraft. And, when passengers want to purchase tickets or utilise other services regarding their travel, they contact the airline.
an airline is a company that operates the flights on a plane [ex Air Canada, United Airlines, Lufthansa], and an airport is a place where passengers board the planes.
An airport is a place from which airplanes land and take off. An airline is a company that owns airplanes. You pay an airline to fly you somewhere; you fly from and to an airport.