If your luggage does not arrive in the baggage claim area, find the baggage agent on duty immediately. There's a chance your luggage already arrived and is locked up in the agent's area for safe keeping. Sometimes luggage is loaded onto a non-stop flight even though you were on a plane that had a stopover on the way so your suitcases get there before you.
But if your luggage is not there, do not leave the airport before completing the paperwork for the baggage agent. Fill out all information about your luggage on the forms provided. present them with your baggage claim ticket (what you were given when you checked your luggage in at departure). Be as detailed as possible. They will track it, get it on the soonest available flight and have it shipped to wherever you are staying, or forward it to your next destination. Get a phone number to call in case you need to follow-up.
If you need basic amenities such as toothbrush, toothpaste and razor to be ready for a meeting, ask. Most airlines will provide these for you while you're waiting for your suitcase.
If the airline actually loses your bags, make sure you get a written claim for damages. This may require a different form than the original "missing luggage" form. This can be done at the airport or by mail.
On domestic flights, the airline baggage liability is capped at $2,800 per person. For international flights, the limit is $9.07 per pound (or $20 per kilogram) for checked baggage, and $400 per person for carry-ons. You may need to produce receipts. If you have them, include copies in any documentation you send to the airline. You can purchase "excess valuation" protection if your checked baggage is worth more than these limits.
This part of the Continental website describes what to do if luggage is delayed or lost:
And here's the form to fill out for them:
If all else fails be sure to file a complaint immediately. If you still can't get satisfaction, or feel the need to report the airline, write or call:
DOT Aviation Consumer Protection
400 Seventh Street, S.W. #4107
Washington D.C., 20590
Telephone: (202) 366-4000.
Good luck and I hope you get the resolution that you are wanting!
In the US, effective 1 March 2007, the Department of Transportation has specified that airlines are liable for up to $3000 for losing your luggage.
You should file a claim in writing and provide a written list of each and every item and its value. The airlines must compensate you for the actual, fair market value, but not the replacement value.
It can take from a week to a month for the airline to acknowledge that your bag is lost.
They will then proceed to make you an offer in compensation.
Don't necessarily believe their first offer is their best offer.
Remember, they don't make the rules. You are the exact equal of airline and they don't make the rules any more than you do.
You may find someone playing the "Our policy is..." game with you as if they had the right to impose their policy on you.
Anyone who does this is trying to cheat you.Never put up with it. Tell them in no uncertain terms that you don't give one damn what "their" policy is because YOUR policy is not to be victimized.
If you can't agree with the airline about how much you should be reimbursed, then your best recourse is to take your claim to your local Small Claims Court. Don't be afraid to do so.
I assume you filed a report with Continental. Keep hounding them, every day. They will compensate you if they are unable to recover your bag, but unless you have a written, verifiable inventory of your suitcase it is unlikely that you would be paid $1000-$1200. If it comes to getting compensation go after them with determination and diplomacy. Use the fact that you are pregnant for sympathy. If your plea falls on deaf ears ask for a supervisior.
Be sure to get the names of the folks you speak to and write down any promises made to you. Regardless of the outcome I would write to Continental Customer Care and review the entire situation.
Don't give up. I lost a bag on a 2 week trip to Alaska. 3 weeks after I returned home the airline delivered it. The luggage tags were for Dublin, Ireland!
Hi! I would be more than delighted to answer you question! I work with Air France! Here is what Air France would do!
They recommend that you immediately notify the baggage department located in the delivery area of the airport. A baggage incident voucher is created upon arrival at your destination, along with a dossier number (e.g. LUXAF01234), and remitted to you.
If your baggage has not been located within two days, you must complete the inventory letter that was given to you at the same time as the dossier was created, and return it to the appropriate adress.
From the 22nd day, if the baggage has not been returned to you, we invite you to contact the "Service Assistance Bagages" dealing with you area of residence for further action:
Thats what Air France does! I think you should contact them immediately!
Contact your airlines headoffice in the city you are in immediately and report the loss. Usually, airlines try to locate the missin luggage and if they cant find it they compensate the loss by paying a particular amount of money(i heard they pay around 250-300$ per piece) and tell them that u had stuff worth 1000-2000$.
All the best and please dont worry about it since you are pregnant and stress is not good for u.
sorry to hear your bad experience, but normally if you lost your luggage, you should informed the handling staff at the end of your destination and get a report from them regarding your lost luggage, just in case you want to pursue more.
if within couple days the airlines can not find your luggage , normally they will call you and you entitle to get the compensation from them base of per KG/pounds of the weight of your luggage and then base per your report from the airlines you could claim your insurance. Good luck and take care