They say training for an airline, is like drinking from a fire hose. I went through a US program last year and it was pretty intense. Two weeks of basic Indoc., two weeks of systems, a week of general ops., a week of flows and checklist, and then 8 sims, the 8th being the check ride. Pretty fast pass for someone that came from light twins and single engine aircraft. My advice is keep your nose to the grinding stone but at the same time don't get so wrapped up you don't take time for yourself. Go drink the occasional beer after studying, watch some TV, and if you have weekends off do something fun for one of the days. Stay focused and Good Luck.
I'd summarise it with:
Listen, learn and think before opening your mouth.
Sadly, that comes from personal experience :-)
If you have made it this far your obviously have the skill and knowledge needed. So relax and apply what you know and be prepared to learn a ton more from the experienced people you will be working with..
I'm serious with my answer. Don't get over confident with your new found success. Be really serious about everything you do , because flying is a real serious business.