I am really attached to them, and i feel very uneasy about leaving them in cargo.
I have a small carrier they both are very content in, and it would fit under the seat infront of me on an airline.
If anyone could help id be very very greatful.
Thank you.
I just flew last week with my kitten . . . check this web site but I urge you to also check each airlines website as well. Most airlines make you pay a pet fee, I flew Continental and it was $100 pet fee.
*** Also, despite what these people are saying, many airlines let you travel with a pet in the cabin, as long as it's a small animal. It doesn't have to be for medical reasons. I'm just not sure about ferrets.
I work at a travel agency and only pets allowed in Cabin are seeing eye dogs and some airlines dont even allow that since animals get excited. Ferrets, definitley not youi will just have to realize that they will have to go in cargo bay.
I don't know. Be careful, its a fact that very small animals, like fish, mice, and hamsters can die from the pressure. But you should be able too, deppending on the airline
Don't know... probably not... but American Airlines is the best Airlines in the world.
No Airlines will allow ferrets in cabin.
Only medical needed animals such as a seeing eye dog.
Too bad. Only animals who assist impaired people can stay in the cabin.
Air Weasel
when your heart break rest to any air line
may be you fin the good airline service