วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Will an airline offer a discount if my mother died and I have to fly to bury her?

If I live in NY and my mom died unexpentitly in Argentinia, will an airline offer a discount so I can fly there to bury her?

this an article wirtten by Arlene Fleming,airtravel editor

In times of emergency when you have to fly for a family funeral, or to see a terminally ill relative, shopping around for airfares is probably the last thing you want to think about. Many airlines have an answer for this - the bereavement fare, or compassionate fare, which is offered to family members traveling for a death in the family, or imminent death.

So what should one know about bereavement fares?

* They are not always the lowest fare, but are last minute fares that can be booked right up until departure time.

* They are offered for family members traveling to a funeral.

* They can also be offered for family members in the case of imminent death, where a family member is gravely ill.

* Bereavement fares usually entail a discount off of a full fare (unrestricted fare), and are often more expensive than the cost you would pay for a seat sale ticket.

* Bereavement fares tend to be very flexible, permitting free changes and stays of up to 30 days with no minimum stay requirements.

* You can usually secure the discount prior to travel if you provide the required information. A few airlines will only refund the value of the discount after travel is completed. However, all airlines that offer bereavement fares will allow you to apply for a refund after travel is completed (usually you must apply for a refund within 90 days after completion of all flights, along with the required documentation).

* Discounts range from 10 to 75 percent off of full fare prices. The discount most often offered is 50 percent off of full fare.

* Discounts usually apply for one airline only. In effect, if you need more than one airline to get to where you need to go, you will need to buy separate tickets and ask about each airline's policy.

* Bereavement fares may not be available to all destinations offered by an airline. There are less bereavement fares offered for traveling internationally.

* Where bereavement fares are offered for international travel, the value of the discount may only be given upon return with death certificate because information is harder to verify. Bereavement fares for imminent death in the case of international travel are less common because of the difficulty for the airline to verify information.

* Bereavement fares are offered over the phone or in person at the airline's ticket counters. The information that you are required to provide in order to secure a bereavement fare is outlined on the next two pages.

A bereavement fare is not always the lowest fare available, if you are able to have flexibility in terms of your travel times and dates then ask first if a seat sale fare is available and applies to you travel plans. In larger travel markets it can be useful to have a travel agent who can call around and find the best options for fare and flights.

No. simple as that. Because technically you don't HAVE to go to argentina, and the airlines won't care, because then alot of people would make up excuses and the system wouldn't work. But you could apply for a credit card or a personal loan to get you there and back. Sorry for your loss and i hope i helped with your answer.

Unfortunately the airlines will not give you a discount. They will tell you to fly in economy class.

Most major airlines offer half price bereavement fares.

airlines the world over are too tight fisted.....the only discount they give is to sporting people and overpaid polititions .

Sorry for your loss but the airlines are money hungry and they probably wont do anything for you

No...They won't. My god mother's father died and she didn't get a discount. So most likely they won't.

geez, your mom is gone and you are worried about money??

