Else, what is a good website that defines good, average and poor prices for airline flight between two cities?
Most airline websites allow you to select the exact travel days and departure/arrival times to view the cost and availability. Also, websites like travelocity, expedia, hotwire, priceline and cheaptickets showcase a variety of airlines along with the cheapest price. The best way to track airline flights is to form an excel spreadsheet. Include the travel website names going down the column and the day you checked the rates across the rows. Check each website daily and keep track of the rate pattern. This is a tedious assignment, but can save you lots of money. Also, your trip is well in the future, so you have some room to wait to purchase. Be cautious of Holiday rates. Booking buddy and sidestep may be helpful as well. Good luck!
You can try to findout something at orbitz.com or http://www.travelatbest.com/best-flights.html
Try kayak.com.
It searches multiple sites and has a trend for prices.
places like travelocity do allow you to choose your ideal flight price. It'll send you an e-mail notice when the price of the ticket drops below that amount.
Something even better, cheapflights.com gives you the current cheapest flights to/from any location. It also gives you valid dates.
It's really hard to say when the price of a ticket will increase or decrease, but to see what's out there right now, cheapflights is the best!