วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Any ideas on buying an airline ticket without the internet?

I am buying an airline ticket for my fiance's best friend to come and visit him for his birthday (he's in Maine, we are in North Carolina). I can not buy it online because my fiance will see the purchase on the account and it's a surprise. I know that if I go to the ticket counter at the airport tickets are usually more expensive than they are online. Do you think that if I print out the page that has the price of the ticket I want they will sell it to me for that price? Or do you have any other ideas on how to get an online price without buying it online?

Call Travelocity, Orbitz, etc using their toll-free phone numbers (1-888-872-8356 and 1-888-656-4546 respectively). You can order your tickets over the phone and get the same deals that you'd find online. They'll tell you what flights are available and you can put it on a credit card or possibly even authorize a draft from a checking account.

With heightened security, you'll probably need your fiance's friend's SSN to schedule their seat on a flight on their behalf.

Good luck, it sounds like a fun surprise!

Yes they're called travel agencies or call airlines direct and book a flight.

I always used a travel agency when in North Carolina, sometimes they have even better deals than the internet.

you could go to a travel agency and tell you want to

buy a ticket for somone else (its called PTA (prepaid ticket)

you pay for it, and he picks up the ticket at the airlines airport

there will mostly likely be some surcharges for the ticket and

the travel agency

Try your local travel agency. They will do it for you.

Try going to a travel agent. Or have the friend buy the ticket himself, and you reimburse him later.


like others said.. get a travel agent but you could always look up the airlines in the phone-book and call....

i wouldnt becuase the people are from India and are really hard to understand..

