วันจันทร์ที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How long would it take for me to become an airline pilot im 14?

if i start flying at 14 how many years would it take to go airline...or should i go military route...thx

The military route is easy through the US Army if you don't mind flying helicopters. The only education required is a High School Diploma or GED. You can go straight from High School to Flight School if you are a competitive candidate.

Don't rely on Army recruiters to just give this information away. If you are seriously interested in this route feel free to send me a message.

You could start to get your private pilot's license if you wanted to - it would put you like a year ahead if you started doing it in college.

However, there really is no military route. If you join the air force, there is no promises that you are going to be given pilot training (and it is highly unlikely that you will). Everyone who flys for the military enters the military with a private pilot's license, instrument rating, commercial rating and probably some multi engine ratings as well.

I forget what the age restrictions on getting a private pilot's license is - I think it is 16. I don't know what the age restriction of an instrument rating is.

Most airlines require college educations from their pilots.

I would suggest that you really learn what it's like to be a pilot, and make sure that you know you want it. Read about what it's like to be a regional airline pilot and make only 17,000 grand per year, because that's what you need to put up with if you want to get into the mainstream airlines.

I just hope you know, that contrary to popular belief, pilots don't make a lot of money at all until you are like 38 and have been with the company for a long time.

Also, flight lessons are very expensive. Expect to pay like 7,000 for your private pilot's license, 8,000 for your instrument and like 13,000 for your commercial rating.

i cant tell you which route to take but being in the air force i can tell you what the military road is like.... after high school the military will pay for you to go to they're college for 4 years, or a college of your choice (but not as many perks). you can major in pretty much anything, it doesnt really matter. then you go to flight school for about 4 months for a fighter pilot, 3 for a heavy jet pilot (c-130's, c-5's kc-10's) so all in all, you can be a full-fledged pilot by 22, and then getting a job at an airline will be much easier and MUCH less out of your pocket. but the important thing is to be sure of what you want to do and put everything you have toowards it!

Well You Need A Flight Licenses, You Can't Get Until your 18 I Think. You Can Go To A Flight Simulator Once you Get That Done, You Go To Flight School...

If you want to work for Colgran Airlines, they'll hire you next week.

I hear there is an opening on the NY to Buffalo route......

